Ensure the state licensed contractor you hire pulls a permit from the local building and safety department when replacing your HVAC system. A permit helps ensure compliance with building codes for both structural and safety standards that protect the property and occupants. Routine building and safety inspections also ensure the system meets Home Energy Rating System (HERS) testing and verification requirements.
What Is A Building Permit?
A building permit is a written authorization issued by a city or county to construct a project. Building permits are required for most construction or remodeling projects to ensure work safety and compliance with building, construction and zoning codes. For HVAC projects the following require permits, but are not limited to:
• HVAC Changeout
• Replacement of furnace, coil, FAU, or condenser
• Relocation of an existing HVAC unit
• Adding or replacing more than 40ft ducting
Who Pulls The Permit?
The person who pulls the permit is the person responsible for following construction codes. Typically, the contractor you hire for your HVAC project pulls the permit. You could also pull the permit as a homeowner but would be considered the contractor and liable if there’s any issues. It’s best to have the contractor pull the permit because they are familiar with the process and city inspections.
What If I Skip Getting A Permit?
Penalties for not obtaining an HVAC building permit vary from city to city. If your project requires a permit, get a permit. If you’re working with a contractor who suggests skipping this step, hire a different contractor.
If you need to pull one and don’t, the city could ask you to obtain a permit and then double or triple the permitting fees. The city may also shut down your project or require you to tear down your work if there is any question whether the work was done according to building code.
Projects finished without permits can also:
• Jeopardize your insurance coverage and rates. Your homeowner’s insurance policy could be cancelled.
• Scare away potential homebuyers
• Lower resale value
• You could be setting yourself up for a future lawsuit, if a fire or other disaster occurred as a result of unpermitted construction.
Before Hiring A Contractor
When starting a home renovation project it’s important to:
• Learn about local permitting requirements.
• Ask your contractor to provide you with copies of the permit(s).
• Post a copy of the permit in a front window. This may be a requirement in some cities.
• Hire only licensed and bonded contractors for the work.
Furthermore, CSLB (Contractors State License Board) has additional recommendations when hiring a contractor:
• Verify the contractor’s license number on CSLB’s website at www.cslb.ca.gov to make sure the license is in good standing.
• Don’t pay more than 10 percent or $1,000, whichever is less, as a deposit. There is an exception for licensees who carry special bonds to protect consumers. These exceptions are noted on CSLB’s website.
• Don’t let payments get ahead of the work.
• Get at least three bids, check references, and get a written contract.
Avoid any potential future headaches, by following your local permit laws. They are in place to ensure legal compliance, quality of installation and will keep you and your loved ones safe in your home. Contact LA Construction, Heating and Air today at (818) 341-3406 or contact us online, we offer free estimates and are here to help you with your next HVAC installation project.
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