Did you know your HVAC system can alleviate allergy symptoms? If you suffer from allergies you may have tried everything to help alleviate your symptoms but there are times that no matter what you do, you can’t make those allergy symptoms disappear. What you may not know is that your HVAC system can actually harbor and spread allergens such as pet dander, dust mites, & pollen. Instead of further aggravating your symptoms, read on to find out how your HVAC system could actually help alleviate your allergies.
Replace Air Filters
The first step you can take to improve indoor air quality is to regularly replace your air filters. Air filters are your first line of defense against any pollen from outside while also cleaning the air inside, filtering out pet dander, mold or dust mites. Dirty air filters are unable to trap all unwanted air particles and make your unit less efficient. When selecting an air filter for your unit go with a high-efficiency filter that will help alleviate allergy triggers. Most high-efficiency filters are rated from 14 to 16 on the MERV scale. This range is good enough to remove small particles, but not as good as HEPA filters which are rated between 17 and 20. However, keep in mind that HEPA filters are not typically recommended for centralized HVAC systems unless the system has been designed to use HEPA filters.
Clean Outdoor and Indoor Unit
It is important to check for dirt, dust and debris and to clear it away from the outdoor unit as often as possible. The outdoor unit pulls air from outside and that air is then circulated throughout your home. Do not forget to check the indoor unit either. Just like the outdoor unit if dust and debris are around the indoor unit, it will eventually get pulled into the system and start circulating throughout your home. Remember to keep both clean to reduce excess allergens in your home.
Dust Registers and Return Vents
It is easy to forget to dust registers and return vents, however it is important to keep these clean to minimize dust mites which are a common indoor allergen. These vents are what circulate all of the air from your HVAC system into your home so it is important to keep them clean to help alleviate allergy symptoms. When cleaning, try using a damp cloth to prevent kicking up particles into the air.
Schedule an HVAC Maintenance Appointment
Spring is a good time to schedule a maintenance appointment for your unit. The good news is that a regularly maintained HVAC unit can greatly contribute to the overall level of indoor comfort and help alleviate your allergies as well. Regularly scheduled maintenance is especially crucial for those with asthma or allergies and helps to keep your system running efficiently and help prevent a mechanical breakdown.
Use the tips above to help maximize your HVAC system in helping you alleviate allergy symptoms. Make it a priority to schedule regular maintenance to improve your indoor air quality and help you fight, reduce and remove allergens in your home. LA Construction Heating and Air is a certified HVAC Contractor. We would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Feel free to contact us online or give us a call today at (818) 341-3406. To learn more about services our company offers, please visit our homepage.