HVAC systems for both homes and businesses are all equipped with air filters that prevent dust, and other debris from entering your HVAC equipment. The HVAC filters are a vital component of the system and help ensure your system is functioning properly and regulate indoor air quality. A filter that is not regularly replaced can greatly inhibit the overall performance of your system and can result in low efficiency. This can lead to higher energy bills or costly repairs. Changing the filters in your HVAC filters regularly is a quick and easy step you can take to improve the efficiency and performance of your system. Furthermore, a clean filter is critical for proper air flow and a healthier environment with high indoor air quality for you and your family. During the winter and summer months we suggest changing the air filter at least once a month. At the bare minimum you should not go more than three months in between filter replacements. In this article, we discuss reasons to change your HVAC filter more often.
Extend Lifespan of Your HVAC System
One of the most common reasons an HVAC system requires repairs or completely breakdowns is a dirty air filter. Dirt and other debris accumulate in your filters over time, especially during times of high use during summer and winter months. A dirty air filter can prevent proper airflow and cause your system to work harder leading to overheating, extra repairs, and early replacement. The lifespan of your HVAC system directly corresponds to regular maintenance. Filter replacement is a key component of regular maintenance. Replacing your filter often, before it becomes clogged and dirty is an easy way to lengthen the life of your HVAC system.
Lower Energy Bills
According to the Department of Energy heating and cooling costs accounts for almost half of the average home’s energy costs. Remember, a clogged filter leads to a system working harder and longer to achieve the desired temperature. If you change your filter often you can save anywhere between 5 and 15 percent on your energy costs by helping to prevent your system from working overtime.
Maintain High Indoor Air Quality
A clogged or dirty air filter can lead to poor indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can lead to symptoms such as eye irritation, sneezing, headaches, and respiratory issues. To maintain a high indoor air quality, change your filters often. This is especially important if anyone in your family suffers from any respiratory ailments such as allergies or asthma. Furthermore, if you have pets in the home keep in mind there will be extra dander as well. Change your HVAC filter often to prevent dust, dirt, and other allergens from entering your system and inside your home. A clean filter will collect more dust contributing to improved air quality in your home.
Keep Your HVAC Unit Clean
Not only will a clogged filter lead to poor indoor air quality it can also lead to excess dirt and debris in your entire HVAC system. This can lead to costly repairs that you may not have been planning on. An air filter keeps this out of your system ensuring proper and efficient operation. Changing your filter often is an easy, inexpensive step you can take to save money in the long run, extend the life of your HVAC system and greatly improve indoor air quality.
Along with changing your HVAC filter more often, it is also important to get routine maintenance performed at least twice a year. We offer various plans or can customize a maintenance schedule that best suits your needs. At LA Construction Heating and Air, we will replace your filters at every maintenance visit, but it is also something you can complete in between visits. If you are unsure of the location of your filter, one of our technicians can always assist you so you can do it on your own until the next scheduled maintenance appointment. If you are unsure of the size or MERV rating best suited for your HVAC system, check your furnace manual. Keep in mind, although HEPA filters and other high efficiency filters trap more dust and debris they can also decrease airflow and system performance. If your system is not rated for a HEPA or high efficiency filter it is best not to use one. It is always a good idea to check manual or with a professional for best filter type for your system.
For more information on HVAC filters or if you have any questions about you heating or air conditioning system contact LA Construction Heating and Air today online or at 818-341-3406. We are more than happy to help.