A lot of homeowners may want to do as much as they can around their homes to save money. While there are some repairs you may be able to do yourself not everything is as easy as it looks on DIY AC repair video tutorials. When it comes to air conditioning repairs you are better off avoiding DIY solutions. In fact, for some repairs it may even be illegal to attempt on your own, since you have to be certified to work with electrical or gas. Instead of risking costly or irreparable damage, contact LA Construction, Heating and Air we can ensure the job is done right. In this article we will discuss why DIY AC repair is not a good idea.
You Could Cause More Damage
Air conditioners are made from lots of different components, most of which you will not be familiar with. Even if you were to follow a detailed tutorial, your system may have slightly different parts and your repairs could rapidly become worse from accidental damage. If you do happen to find the correct part, you may not know what step comes next, do you repair or replace it? Or does the broken component signal a bigger issue and therefore a more complicated repair. This means that after time spent researching the issue there is still a chance that you do not repair the system and cause additional damage. The correct route is to hire a licensed HVAC contractor much easier than potentially causing more damage to your HVAC.
You Do Not Have the Right Tools or Certifications
AC repair requires specialty tools, diagnostic equipment, and refrigerants. Professional AC technicians have the right tools, training and certifications to handle HVAC parts and equipment to diagnose and complete AC repair. If you attempt your own DIY AC repair you might end up spending more on trying to get the correct parts and tools, than you would if you contacted a professional, licensed HVAC company.
DIY AC Repair Could Lead to Personal Injury
Not only do you risk damaging your AC when attempting a DIY repair but you also risk your own safety. AC units carry electricity and refrigerants. Your AC has a lot of intricate parts that work together, including refrigerant and electrical wiring. If you do not know what part you are looking at you risk electrocuting yourself or exposing yourself to toxic refrigerant which could also lead to burns. There is a reason the law requires certain certifications when you work with HVAC equipment. Do not risk personal injury, contact a licensed professional for AC repair.
DIY AC Repair Voids Your AC Warranty
Professionally installed HVAC systems come with a manufacturer's warranty upon installation. The manufacturer’s warranties include stipulations for the customer to follow and if they are not then you could void the warranty completely. One of these requirements is that you do not work on the system yourself or attempt DIY maintenance. You must always have a certified professional work on your HVAC system. If any nonauthorized individuals perform any repairs on the system, you will no longer be able to benefit from the warranty. Furthermore, another requirement is that you keep up with routine maintenance. It is always a good idea to read over your systems manufacturer’s warranty forms to find out information about what applies to your HVAC system.
Contact LA Construction Heating and Air
Professional certified HVAC repair technicians have years of training and experience working with different types of AC systems. Our technicians can identify anywhere from common issues to uncommon ones. Avoid causing more damage or risking personal injury by attempting DIY AC repair. Give us a call today or contact us online we are here to help with AC Repair, AC Maintenance or AC Replacement.
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