If you are thinking about replacing your HVAC system you might wonder when is the best time. The truth is that the best time of year to replace your HVAC system is now. Before you turn off your air conditioner for the winter schedule an inspection with a certified contractor. Especially if it is an older system or has had many recent repairs, you should consider replacing it. If you wait until your system breaks down, it almost guarantees that you will have to go without your ac or furnace when you need it the most. The following are the best reasons why you should replace your HVAC system in the fall.
Money Savings
Fall replacement allows you to take the time to research the best contractor and equipment to fit your needs. Due to the fact that you don’t have to replace as soon as possible in the middle of a breakdown. You have time to contact more contractors and request multiple quotes. Furthermore, because it is a slower season you may be able to get discounts that wouldn’t be available during the peak months.
More Time to Consider Your Options
Time is on your side when you replace in the fall. Typically, contractors are in between cooling and heating seasons and will have more availability. They can help you decide which system is best suited for your needs. Whereas, if your system breaks down in the middle of a hot summer day you may be rushed to replace the system and hire the first contractor who has availability and accept any recommendation they give you. This could result in overspending for equipment that may not be best suited for your needs or even installed incorrectly.
Less Wait For A New System
HVAC contractors are usually the busiest during the summer and winter months when your HVAC works the hardest. If your system is one of the ones that break down under the pressure of the extreme temperatures of these seasons, you might have to wait a bit longer for a reputable company to be able to make it to you. However, during fall when the weather is great HVAC contractors are a lot less busy which means less of wait for you and having the ability to schedule at a time convenient to you. It means you will not have to wait in the heat or cold to get a new system installed.
Start the New Year With A More Efficient System
The systems installed today are a lot more efficient than systems that were installed 10 years ago or more. As the system ages, requires more repairs and works harder to keep your home comfortable, the efficiency of the system decreases. When you install a new system you can guarantee it will be using less energy than your older system. By replacing your system before winter you can start the new year with a more efficient system and save money in utilities and keep your home comfortable for you and your family.
Consider replacing your system before it breaks down. Now is the best time to replace your HVAC system. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an inspection please contact us. We will be more than happy to prepare your house for the cold season and the new year ahead. To learn more about the services LA Construction Heating and Air offers, please visit our homepage.