When Buying A New Home
A vital component when purchasing a new home is a pre-closing inspection. Although a general inspection can tell you about issues with the home such as with the foundation or roof, it will not tell you much about the heating and cooling components. A separate HVAC system inspection when buying a new home from a professional is a must. Below we discuss reasons why you should have a separate inspection.
HVAC Inefficiency
According to Energy Star, heating and cooling your home accounts for half of your yearly energy bills. Typically, a home inspection will only check whether the HVAC system starts up but will not give much information on the efficiency of the system or if it is working properly. A professional HVAC inspection will give you an in-depth look at the efficiency of the system and if it has been properly maintained. Making sure the HVAC system is in good working order will help with your energy bills and minimize unnecessary costs.
Expensive Equipment Repairs or Replacements
One of the largest investments within the home is the HVAC system. If you only rely on a home inspector’s report that states it is operational you may be vulnerable to costly surprises after you have moved into your new home. If a serious issue with the system comes up after the purchase you may need to endure lack of heating or cooling or a costly repair or even replacement.
Safety or Health Concerns
If there are any issues with the HVAC system not only will it lead to increased energy costs, but they may also impact your health and safety. A home inspection will not include detailed testing of the HVAC equipment. Theymay simply turn the system on and off to make sure they work but will not include any additional testing of the AC and furnace. A professional HVAC inspection may uncover serious safety issues such as a cracked heat exchanger, or inadequate ductwork. Furthermore, any back-drafting or ventilation deficiencies that may be present could allow for mold or other combustion fumes to enter the air supply. A thorough professional inspection of the HVAC system can protect your family from life threatening carbon monoxide (CO) exposure and other allergies or respiratory issues.
Lack of Knowledge
The HVAC system is one the most missed issues when it comes to regular home inspections and purchasing a new home. Although many home inspectors are extremely thorough, they are not required to have in depth HVAC knowledge. In fact, in many states home inspectors are not required to hold any licenses to conduct inspections. Home inspectors do not have the appropriate tools and expertise to conduct a thorough HVAC inspection and provide a report. In fact, it is common to see disclaimers on their lack of knowledge of the HVAC system on home inspection reports. If you are shopping for an older or historic home you will want a thorough report on the HVAC system in the home. We highly recommend you hire a licensed professional to conduct a separate HVAC system inspection and provide a report.
HVAC Inspections Can Help Save You Money
Services included during an inspection will vary from company to company and the price will fluctuate accordingly. An HVAC inspection will give you a more in depth look and provide with knowledge of what to expect if you purchase the home. After the inspection is completed you will receive a report that will let you know the condition of the HVAC system and if any repairs, replacements or other upgrades are needed. The information you gain will give you insight if you need to request a home warranty or replacement of the HVAC equipment.
If you are purchasing a new home and need a professional, licensed HVAC inspection give LA Construction, Heating and Air a call at 818-341-3406 or contact us online. We offer home inspection solutions along with HVAC maintenance, repairs or replacements give us a call today!
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